When you see Cv as part of a street name, it stands for "Cove." The United States Postal Service recognizes both Cv and "Cvs" (for "Coves") in its official street naming guidelines.
So if you see a Frontier Cv or a Sunhaven Cv, now you know such a street's full name is Frontier Cove or Sunhaven Cove.
But that brings up a follow-up question: What types of streets are named coves? Does the cove designation actually mean anything? Yes, it does.
When a street is designated a cove, or Cv, it is probably a cul-de-sac. It is almost certainly, at minimum, a dead-end street, and probably a cul-de-sac, and a short one at that.
So when you see "Cv" in a street name, know that it stands for "cove," and that street branches off one of the main arteries through the neighborhood and is a short road that leads to a cul-de-sac, or at least a dead-end.